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In a Meeting



Breaking Down The Silos

The North Orange County Public Safety Collaborative (NOCPSC) has been effective in bringing partners together from the municipal, public safety and non-profit worlds to communicate and collaborate to effectively address homelessness, youth violence prevention and post-incarceration re-entry.

Click on this short pdf presentation to see where we were, where we are, and where we’re going.

Strengthening Partnerships Within and Beyond North Orange County

The Collaborative maintains partnerships around seamless systems of data, evaluation and funding, leading to more impactful management of regional resources, stronger communication loops within and between North Orange County cities and community based organizations, and increased capacity to effectively address homelessness, youth violence prevention and post-incarceration re-entry.

Community-Based Organizations (CBO)
Funding Archival Information 

Save The Date

Read the

Annual Reports

1st ANNUAL REPORT on the Implementation of NOC - North Orange County Public Safety Task Force - July 2018
2nd ANNUAL REPORT to the Legislature - North Orange County Public Safety Task Force - August 2019
3rd ANNUAL REPORT to the Legislature - North Orange County Public Safety Task Force - August 2020



2018 HOMELESS CENSUS REPORT - Prepared for NOCPSC by City Net - Spring 2018
"Ending Homelessness through Shared Responsibility"
North Orange County Public Safety Task Force Focus Area #3
NOCPSC logo-icon white.png

The North Orange County Public Safety Collaborative is a coalition of cities, police agencies, nonprofits and agencies dedicated to greatly reducing the need for law enforcement interventions in homelessness, youth violence and post-incarceration re-entry through regionally coordinated, creative social intervention programs, partnerships and initiatives.


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